
Having to be here without you by Eric Nunnally


Lonely under the moon at the desert’s edge
There lies the carcass of a coyote
Laying on top of a hundred mouths
And a thousand teeth
While I inhale my cigarette

It’s amazing how I can feel so lonely
In the company of a billion stars
And the desert wind affectionately whispering
Secrets I don’t care to hear

I don’t really know what it is about your voice
That makes me concentrate on you so much
And remember little things like
Your fingertips on the small of my back

I never wanted to say anything to you
Only press my cheek against your breast
And saturate myself in your beauty
Seeing you even with my eyes closed

I wanted to watch the hairs of your arm in the desert air
The lines in your lips as you spoke to me
Your chest rise and fall with every breath
And the kiss of moonlight on your bare skin

There is nothing wild about me by myself
No reputation without storytellers
No judgment without knives
So I drink my own blood,
having to be here without you

May 15, 2004

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