
White girl by Eric Nunnally


White sheets caught on camel hair rope billow in the aquamarine sea breeze
And the air tastes like fresh fish and a delicate white wine
And tiny white flowers grow in bunches
on the dull green hills overlooking a small forest of white masts
Bobbing gently beside the old gray wood walk of the harbor
And I remember pulling that bright red piece of silk fabric
From beneath her light floral summer dress
And feeling the fat of her sun bronzed cheek in my hand
And the heat that bathed my fingers when she pulled her dress up
And how I shivered fitting myself against her
Spewing streams of white ecstasy within her
While she laughed her white teeth at me
Dew drops of perspiration on her forehead
Because I must have looked like I was in danger of freezing
Every time she tried to pull away

White birds hovered over the white buckets of fishermen
While the fish huddled under the blue green shadows of the pier
The way little girls crowd umbrellas in the rain
And the boat hulls reflected jeweled circles of light from the water
While the sun strained itself reaching higher in the sky
And my white linen shirt blew open unbuttoned in the breeze
And I remembered how soft her lips were against my chest
Like warm white butter on white chocolate
And I started to take a very long walk in the hot sun
To see her again

White clouds mushroomed brightly above the hills
Like giant white cauliflower from the table of God
And a red balloon that had lost its string
floated up like a prayer into the crystal blue sky
And a little boy on the white sand of the beach below pointed to it
while flying his white box kite
That flew beautifully full of the push of warm sea air
And I caught out of the corner of my eye
a blue car with a white convertible top coming
And I remembered that she had a car like that
And I smiled hoping
While starting down the hill
Bracing myself against the white rocks to keep from falling
And took my eyes off the car to watch my step
My heart and my breathing heavier in the warmth of my chest
Taking care not to step on the bunches of tiny white flowers
As I hurried to where the car stopped and the door opened
And when I looked up she got out in a white summer dress
Wearing white sandals and sunglasses
And a smile for me

White petals were strewn in her clear bath water
In the white porcelain tub with lion's claw feet
While we leaned back on soft white sheets
Thin white linen draped from the canopy
And two heather gray turtledoves
with breasts blushed with the color of dawn cooed in the open window
And she clasped her delicate fingers between mine
Her slender arms held over her head
While I fanned the flames of my lust for her
Seeing her pink nipple peeking from under her dress
And slid my knee between her sinfully smooth thighs
While she looked at me with fire in her hazelnut eyes
And slowly fixed my mouth upon hers
Letting her hands go so she could slide them up the nape of my neck
And burn my lips with her white-hot kisses
The scent of vanilla intoxicating me
As I lost my breath in her

May 28, 2004

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