
To love herself by Eric Nunnally


She was never really any good at
Letting me be
And loving me like
People who get something spiritual
From watching a sunrise
Or sunset

She didn't really understand my ebb and flow
And tolerated me more than she knew me
As if I were some adorable child
She wasn't responsible for

So every time I stretched
And she stood too close
She was bothered that
I wasn't more reserved around her
Like she wanted me to laugh quieter when I found something funny
So as not to embarrass her

And while she accused me of being inconsiderate
I found myself drawing in my boundaries
Until I felt claustrophobic in her love
And questioned what was more important to me

She wanted me to sacrifice my life for her
And I was only willing to protect her

It wasn't long before I couldn't suffer her anymore
And when I tore away from her
She, offended/rejected, cursed me
And I saw the witch in her eyes

She had persuaded me to believe love
Was defined by her dictionary
And wanting to love
I listened

But where I gave my love
I could not find hers
And after sweating her love
I only wanted to breathe mine
And left her
To love herself

June 16, 2004

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