
Holy terror by Eric Nunnally


Blessed and highly favored
Not the beggar playing for sympathy
I found the Word of God in the public library
And waste nothing

:Life has carved a nasty scar into him
And he has become a wild man
His mind splintered
Being stuffed with knowing
And his conscience,
Scraped raw with truth.

Quiet and keeps to himself
Not entirely invisible – an eye sore
Troubling consciences desperate to look away.

Am I the beggar
Peering blindly into the darkness
Afraid of that monster I cannot see
That it will consume me suddenly
And digest me slowly
Burning my soul with such suffering
As to punish an unrepentant will?

Am I homeless
Because I can never be all that I am to be
Until you are all that you are meant to be;
Homeless in this God forsaken place
I should call home?

I am meant to be
That unkempt man with the wild look in his eyes
Talking to himself
Because you don't/won’t understand

Preferring the pleasance of electronic announcements
To my piercing eyes
My undisguised contempt
The anger that burns within me
I can only, barely, shock you into hearing -
The short and sudden outbursts
Of a coward

You call me

Afraid to live

But… I have no name to be called by
Because I am called by Him
Whom shall I fear

Smell it: God fearing
And if my odor offends
And you are put off when I come to fellowship
I wonder how strong Jesus was

I am, offending you
And you would buckle my knees
With your contemptuous pride

And, disgusted, pray to God
for Me to go away…

June 25, 2004

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